Dance Medium
Dance Mediumは、舞踏カンパニーとして2004年に長岡ゆりによって設立され、土方巽、芦川羊子の元で研鑽を積んだ正朔と共に作品創り、ワークショップを行っている。
毎週木曜日 19:00~21:45
講師:長岡ゆり 正朔
お問い合わせ:[email protected](長岡)
23, 30日 桃園区民活動センター
6, 13,20日 桃園区民活動センター
27日 中野区東部区民活動センター3階和室
Butoh workshop by Yuri and Seisaku
Every Thursday night 19:00~21:45
2025 January 23, 30th
February 6,13,20
◯Momozono Kumin Katsudoh center 2FJapanese room
4-57-1 Chuo Nakanoku Tokyo
February 27
◯Tohbu Kumin Katsudoh center
2-18-21 Chuoh Nakanoku Tokyo
Butoh workshop by Yuri and Seisaku
Yuri has been interested in different body work and practiced such as Ballet, Yoga, Noguchi Gymnastic, Noguchi Seitai, Taichi, Karate, etc.. those practices are helpful to prepare the body to be neutral and energetic. The first part of this workshop, she teaches her personal physical practice inspired by those body work including ideas of Butoh philosophy.
Contents: hanging body with no weight, movement by using invisible thread, movement by images of light and darkness, release and tension, how to feel the distance..etc
The second part is taught by Seisaku. He learned Butoh under Tatsumi Hijikata and Yohko Ashikawa. He developed the Butoh method originally with keeping the most important essence.
He has many interesting methods how to make the body empty. You will find the possibility that you can be anything you want if you could be empty.
Contents: walking, look and be looked at, insect eating, animal, smoke, plants, ghost, flower, light and darkness, face expression, wall of the mud….etc
We believe everyone can enjoy with us
2004年、Dance Mediumを立ち上げ、国内はもとより、欧米、メキシコ、オーストラリア、アジア諸国でワークショップ、公演を行っている。
2012年、Dance Medium舞踏公演「帰ル」にて正朔と共に舞踊批評家協会賞受賞。
Yuri was born in Tokyo. She started to learn ballet and modern dance when she was 10 years old. When she was late teens, had a strong impression for Butoh performance.
After that she continued pursuing Butoh originally by performing solo and collaborate with another dancers or musicians until she met Seisaku to find Butoh method by Tatsumi Hijikata in 2003.
In 2004, She established Dance Medium. She invited Seisaku to cooperate together to create performance and doing Butoh workshop in Japan and overseas.
She appeared in the movie " Vermilion Souls" directed by Masaki Iwana as an actress.
Yuri and Seisaku won a prize of Japan Dance Critics association with " Coming Home" (It's created by inspiration from the big earthquake in March 2011)
2004年にDance Mediumに参加、長岡ゆりと共に国内外でのワークショップや作品の振り付け演出を行っている。
2012年、Dance Medium舞踏公演「帰ル」にて長岡ゆりと共に舞踊批評家協会賞受賞。
2022年、「舞踏馬鹿ー土方巽の言葉と共に」論創社 を上梓。Amazonでも購入できますし、書店でも購入できます。
Seisaku had learned Butoh under Tatsumi Hijikata from 1984~1986. After Hijikata past away, Seisaku joined Hakutohboh until 1996. At the same time, he organized Butoh company ’Gnom’.
From 2004, Seisaku joined Dance Medium presided by Yuri Nagaoka and has been worked as choreographer and director.
In 2012, he awarded from Japan Dance critics association by the piece ‘“Kaeru-coming home” with Yuri Nagaoka.
Seisaku has been active in doing workshop, creating and showing Butoh pieces, both in Japan and overseas.